Obesity And Diabetes: Avoiding A Fatal Combination

Obesity and diabetes are two of the most common diseases among Americans. According to studies, about 61% of the population in the US is considered obese or overweight and most of these people are also suffering from diabetes. Experts have expressed that obesity and diabetes go hand in hand as the glucose levels of people who are overweight tend to be high.

In most cases, people who are obese develop glucose intolerance in the long run making them prone to diabetes. If you are one of those people who are overweight, you must be on the alert of the signs and symptoms of diabetes and make sure that you do everything to keep your weight down to its ideal level. Always remember that you can easily prevent obesity and diabetes if you put your heart and mind to it.

Diet Therapy

One of the best ways to avoid obesity and diabetes is to start taking a serious look into what you eat everyday. If you have been taking everything for granted in the past and eat whatever you please, you should start to control your impulses and start eating healthy. Keep a low calorie diet and eat plenty of food that is filled with soluble fibers such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

According to experts, fiber helps speed up the time required for the food to pass through the digestive tracks and increases the metabolic rate of the person. Fiber also absorbs water thus you will feel full for a longer period of time. Since fiber will make you feel full for a longer period of time, you will not feel the urge to eat snacks constantly. In fact, you may still feel a bit full until the next meal time that you end up eating lesser amount of food.

Physical Activity

Physical activity can prevent obesity and diabetes. According to experts, proper diet and exercise are very important if you want to stay healthy and fit. When doing exercise, you should start moderately. Do not go directly on that high impact exercise on the first day!

Start by exercising for 30-45 minutes at least three times a week. Give yourself time to adjust to your exercise routine especially if you have been leading a sedentary life before you decided to do some exercise. Note that your body needs to adjust physically so take a few days to adjust. Once your body has adapted to the exercise routine, you can increase the intensity of your exercise and bring it to the next level.