Finding An Obesity Cure

Finding an obesity cure is a major issue for the medical profession today. Obesity causes more pain and suffering than all of the other illnesses combined. Finding the direct source of obesity has become lifetime research for many scientists. From being teased and humiliated as a child to the enormous difficulty of dealing with obesity as we age, our lives are being tormented by this prevalent disease. A cure for obesity is very important. Even in our middle years if we are overweight we are discriminated against both socially and professionally. Obesity is not a pretty disease and we live in a world where beauty is paramount and there is no room for the obese person. Society forgets there is a human being inside of all that flesh. You would not blame someone for having arthritis or diabetes, yet most people think that if you are fat, it is entirely your own fault. In fact, obesity is not a character defect; it is a malfunction of the body. A cure for obesity is necessary.

Gene Research

Obesity research has accelerated in recent years and scientists feel that a cure for obesity is on the horizon. The internet has changed science in that the pace has changed on how scientists can learn about each other’s research and then build on it. Advances in finding a cure for obesity is happening faster than ever before. Gene research has led to many discoveries in the body and how the body reacts to certain chemicals in their bodies. This research is now evolving into new wonder drugs. New treatments are beginning for the cure of obesity. The French have discovered a drug which targets receptors which stimulate appetite and other cravings in the brain. By blocking these receptors, people can beat their cravings and lose weight. However, this drug would not be an end-all cure for obesity. It will lead to more treatments in figuring out how people’s genetics vary and tailoring drugs to match.

The Spanish have been researching a gene that may lie behind the most frustrating of problems, when you cut back calories but still do not lose the weight at the same pace as your thinner friends. Some people think that patients do not lose weight because they are not following the appropriate recommendations, but in these cases their bodies are just more thrifty with the fat. It is all a matter of figuring out how people’s genes will react when it comes to weight loss. This will also lead to discoveries on how to prevent dangerous side effects to obesity fighting drugs that are on the market today. All of these new discoveries mean that a cure for obesity is on the way.

The Obesity Epidemic Has Become Astronomical

The obesity epidemic has exploded and is taking its toll on the health of our children and adults.
Until scientists find a cure, the prognosis is not very good for the nation. It’s easy for all of us to ignore the fact that the obesity epidemic is becoming astronomical, but very soon those few extra pounds we put on year after year will start tearing down our biological systems and result in major health problems.

While obesity may not be the plague, it is a major public health crisis. The experts have agreed that more obese children are becoming obese adults and the diseases associated with obesity such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease will fly off the charts. Therefore, our lives will be surrounded by lots of sick people. These multitudes of sick people will break our healthcare system. A cure for obesity needs to be found and the obesity epidemic needs to stop.

Eliminating The Cause

The cause for the majority of the obesity epidemic is the lack of exercise and eating too much. It sounds very simple, but obviously, the scores of obese children and people say otherwise. Even though a small percentage of people may have a genetic predisposition to a certain body type, this fact only points to the preceding generation and how our environment is playing a key role. The way we work and live today and not getting as much exercise as previous generations is a major culprit. We ride to work and get as close as we can to cut out the walking distance. Most of us use computers in our jobs and we sit all day, getting up for short breaks.

Fast food restaurants are also major culprits in the obesity epidemic. Fast food restaurants are synonymous with grease, fat, carbohydrates and sugar. All the stuff that is not very healthy for the body. Lifestyle changes need to be made by all of us to help eliminate the obesity epidemic. Scientists agree that the obesity epidemic is going to get worse before it gets better. So maybe all of us in the general public need to begin a lifestyle change. If we all got our families to eat healthier, cut back on their calories and begin an exercise program, maybe our children will be the first generation to grow up at a healthier weight and begin to crush this obesity epidemic. This problem is all about us and as the old saying goes, “it all starts in the home”.